> Introduction
> Grading
> Projects
> Daily Work
> Assessment
> Parental Help
> Useful Links
> Technology


Calendars and events

Events, activities, and other timely functions will be listed below.

  • Grading period reports (Progress Reports and Report Cards).
  • Hilltop High School events -- check out school calendar here.

Study Partners

Encourage your student to have a study partner.  This should be a student that  they share classes with and are willing to share phone numbers or email addresses.  Study partners become very important in clarifying assignments, getting missing work, providing assistance when concepts or instructions aren't fully understood. In selecting a study partner, the following should be considered:

  • A willingness to share phone numbers and email addresses.
  • Live fairly close to one another (allowing work to be picked up or delivered) so work is submitted on time.
  • A trustworthy, responsible student, that is in regular attendance.

Helpful Tips to Improve Success

The links listed below provide options for students to get the most out of school, which in turn, should help them attain higher grades and have a greater understanding of the materials covered.